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Top 5 Indica Strains To Buy Online In Canada

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Top Indica Strains You Can Buy Online In Canada When browsing cannabis at a dispensary or online store, you may notice that they are usually categorized into three groups – sativa, hybrid, and indica.  But before we get into the sativa versus indica strains debate, let’s go through the best indica strains and see what[…]

What Are Terpenes In Weed and What Is Their Importance?

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Do Terpenes In Weed Play Any Role? Smelling and enjoying the aromas and flavours of the cannabis plant is an integral part of enjoying the whole marijuana experience.   Recent research suggests that the terpenes responsible for these fragrances may have more to do with the high you get than we initially thought.  So what are[…]

Where To Buy Marijuana Edibles Online In Canada

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How To Buy Marijuana Edibles Online In Canada Are you looking to buy marijuana edibles online, in Canada, in the near future? If you would like to enjoy the sensational effects of THC or CBD in the form of tasty treats such as marijuana gummies, chocolates, brownies, etc. then you may be wondering where can[…]