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Showing all 16 results

Buy High Quality Sativa Weed Grown in B.C.

Are you feeling a little sluggish? Looking for a little more pep in your step? Or maybe you're just in search of some good marijuana that'll help enhance your day, and give you a nice stimulating boost to your state of mind? BC Bud Supply has you covered with our sativa strains! These strains are known for their energetic and mood enhancing properties, and they'll provide you with beautiful feelings of euphoria and positivity. 

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Why Are So Many Strains Out of Stock?

BC Bud Supply has access to a large selection of different suppliers, and we always try to get the freshest and highest quality strains available. Because of this our flowers are always rotating, and older strains that are out of stock at the moment might not come back for a while. If one of your current favourite strains is out of stock, we would highly recommend you try a new one that’s available as our team of cannabis experts do an amazing job at picking the best flowers on the current market for our customers.

What Are Sativa Strains?

Sativa is one of the two main types of cannabis, with the other being indicas (hybrids are a mix of the two). The two types differ in appearance, composition, and effect.

Indicas are generally short and bushy with wide leaves, while sativa plants are the opposite, growing tall and thin, and capable of reaching 12 feet or more in height. They have narrower leaves that tend to be a lighter green in colour.

For cannabis consumers, the main difference between the two plants lies in the chemicals compounds they produce. Sativas generally produce more THC and less CBD compared with indicas. THC binds with cannabinoid receptors in the brain and produces a sense of euphoria. It is typically described as uplifting and energizing.

Sativas are known for being mentally stimulating and can be used during the day due to its energizing nature. It is often used in conjunction with social affairs, physical activity, and activities that are creative in nature.

Sativas For Health And Well Being 

In recent years, CBD has become quite popular for medicinal use, but sativas with their potentially higher THC content also have many medical applications.

Because they possess invigorating and stimulating qualities, sativa strains are well suited to help with the following:


Due to it's stimulating and euphoria inducing properties, sativas are recommended for those who suffer from mild depression or just want a mood enhancer

Creativity and Focus

Sativas are well known for inducing creativity along with its mind stimulating properties, which can help with enhancing focus and concentration. It can be used to help users get into a state of flow. 


THC has been shown to help with nausea, which make sativas a good option with its higher THC content. 

Improves Appetite

Sativas are an easy way to help boost appetite for those who need it. 


Due to its energizing properties, many users opt to try a sativa strain when looking to combat chronic fatigue. We recommend sativas for morning consumption with a hot cup of freshly brewed coffee. 

Common Sativa Effects

Sativas are generally more uplifting when compared with indicas, which can be more sedating.

The most common effects from using a sativa cannabis strain includes the following:


If you’re looking for that extra kick to complete a creative project or tackle a workout, sativa strains are for you. 


Sativas are known to keep your brain stimulated and open you up to think outside the box. 

Social Enhancer

Do you suffer from social anxiety? A mild sativa strain will allow you to relax and converse without feeling overwhelmed. 

Relationship Booster

Share a joint with your partner, get cosy and explore different avenues of intimacy or enjoy a walk through the woods. The possibilities are endless! 

BC Bud Supply Has What You Need!

Sativa strains are usually less common and available than indicas, but don't worry as BC Bud Supplys got your back!

We understand there is a segment of sativa lovers out there who sometimes have a hard time consistently sourcing good sativa strains. We want you guys to know you can rely on us to bring you the best!

Our suppliers are always bringing us new strains, and we always have our eyes open for good sativas. So stay tuned and check back the site periodically for new sativa offerings.

If you have any questions or inquiries about our products, or need any sort of assistance, contact BC Bud Supply today. Our customer supporter staff will be happy to help you with whatever needs you have.

Create Your Own Mix & Match Bundles

We also offer Mix & Match bundles that are 1 ounce (28 grams) in size. You can try a variety of different strains of your choosing with our bundles including sativa strains combined with indicas and/or hybrids.